Vegan food posts for Starchivores who follow Dr. McDougall, Dr. Esselstyn, Rip Esselstyn, Chef AJ, and others - recipes or links to them and photos when available.
MWLP Recipes in The Starch Solution Book
Dr. McDougall's Public Talks (Posted by Jeff Novick, Compiled by BBQ)
Public Talks by Dr. Doug Lisle (compiled by Amy)
Friday, October 10, 2008
VeganMoFo Day 10 - Tofu Scramble
Breakfast instead of dinner today. I noticed a few VeganMoFo bloggers posted their own tofu scrambles so here's mine. The recipe can be found here, but it's not much of a recipe, to be honest.
you can never go wrong with a good scramble no matter what time of day.