Thursday, April 20, 2017

Local on the 8's from The Weather channel

I used to be such a Weather Channel geek! Jim Cantore with a full head of hair, being referred to as the Italian Stallion by his castmates; female forecasters with growing bellies suddenly appearing with flat tummies and no mention ever of the pregnancy or birth; the cheering in our home when one of them appeared in a place we knew, or taking bets on who would get stuck there for that particular storm (usually Sea Bright, NJ during any hurricane. More than once they stood across from my uncle's former home).

Heck, I was trying to find someone who went to Starbucks so they would buy me the CD of the songs they used on air, but at the time we had no Starbucks near us. Even now we don't have one in our city, but I do know of 2 the next city over, but I doubt very much they carry a 20 year old specialty CD.

TWC changed so much over the years, and now I can barely get a weather report on it because every time I tune in they're airing something like "So You Think You'd Survive" or "Highway Through Hell". Just tell me the temperature!!!

And that's all this 1 hour video is - snippets of local weather reports and Local on the 8's. None of the on-air personalities, just samples of the actual weather reports across the years. Sometimes I play this while at the computer just for background music as I do other things.

Yeah, I'm weird, but you guys already knew that. 

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