Vegan food posts for Starchivores who follow Dr. McDougall, Dr. Esselstyn, Rip Esselstyn, Chef AJ, and others - recipes or links to them and photos when available.
Thursday, July 12, 2018
McDougall Program Infomercial from 1993
Someone posted these 2 links to the McDougall forums for the McDougall Program - 12 Days to Dynamic Health package - the audio tape set, the 12 Days book, and the Doctor McDougall's Health Enhancing Recipe Book, and a VHS tape called Secrets to Good Health, and a bonus called The McDougall Report: Life Saving Facts Your Doctor Never Told You. Sorry, I can't find a link to these anywhere on-line. They were filmed back in 1993 during the St. Helena days. The video quality is pretty poor, especially if you're watching in HD on a large monitor, but it's nice to see 1) a young Dr. McDougall and 2) the fact that the message hasn't changed in all these years. Another bonus is that they both have decent closed captioning for those of us who are hard of hearing. Enjoy!
Thank you! Enjoyed watching.