MWLP Recipes in The Starch Solution Book

Dr. McDougall's Public Talks (Posted by Jeff Novick, Compiled by BBQ)

Public Talks by Dr. Doug Lisle (compiled by Amy)

Wednesday, October 17, 2018

Chatter on the MWLP Forum on the McDougall Web Site

Recently there was a discussion on what is and isn't allowed on the Maximum Weight Loss version of the McDougall program (Page 216 in the Starch Solution book). Some of the posts were removed because the thread was about the weekly weigh-in, and what was written had nothing to do with the weigh-in (That was the excuse I was given via PM when my post was removed), but as the discussion continued by others, Jeff Novick eventually posted the following:

There have been a few (not many) changes to the program over the years, as with recommended supplements for heart disease, probiotics, etc. Yes, you can refer back to the newsletter on supplements but it does not represent our current position. Several things have changed since the original MWL book has come out and since the MWL newsletter which updated the book.
If you have questions about what we are doing at the program right now (and/or about what I have said or not), the best thing to do is to ask me. I am right here.
We do allow pasta, but like tortilla's, it is one of those very rare "gray' areas on the MWL.
The original MWL guidelines said "No flour products," however, from the beginning, corn tortilla's (made from corn flour) have been allowed in spite of the fact that they have a calorie density of around 1000 cal/lb. Ironically, I have never recommended them as part of my weight loss guidelines because of the calorie density. The same for puffed cereals.
On the other hand, whole grain pasta, also a flour product, was not part of the original MWL program in spite of the calorie density of only around 550-600, almost half of corn tortilla's. However, for 30 years of my career, (including 10 years at overseeing the food and nutrition at Pritikin), I have always allowed WW pasta and people successfully lost weight. In the same study that showed the potato to be the highest in satiety per calorie, whole grain pasta was right behind it (and oatmeal) and above brown rice.
Some say they overeat on it and if you find that to be true for you, then just leave it out, but then again, some say they overeat on brown rice, so, if so, just leave it out.
Currently, at the 10-Day program, whole grains pasta is marked MWL while corn tortilla's are not.
In Health

Sometimes I'm not sure what's going on over there, who is in charge, who to believe. For a while now, emails are coming from the program's/Dr. McDougall's address, and they're just links to the old stuff - newsletter articles and videos from years ago.  But others, such as changes to the guidelines, have been written by Jeff, some with his name on them, but sometimes not, like this one, which was just an email of a post by Jeff with his guidelines for MWLP. People on FaceBook didn't believe me when I said that was written by Jeff, not Dr. McDougall, because it was sent from the official "John McDougall, MD" email address. Even after I posted the link to the forum message where Jeff wrote it out, many still didn't believe it. I gave up.

At least now it's official that pasta is allowed on MWLP. But it's also official that corn tortillas no longer are, gone the way of popcorn and rice cakes, which were banished a few months ago. 

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