Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Things I Miss

Sweet potatoes.

I haven't been able to get sweet potatoes in over 2 months, since before this lockdown. The Stop and Shop had crappy sweet potatoes for a few years now - maybe once every 3 months I can find something edible - so whenever we made the trek to Whole Foods we would load up on a few dozen of 3 different types of sweets/yams. The C-Town my husband has been walking to rarely has sweet potatoes, and when they do they look like another store's rejects, all shriveled up and dehydrates. Again, they were like this before coronavirus changed the world.

I envy those people on-line in other parts of the country that have been posting there hasn't been any change in their food supply, especially Californians who always had fantastic looking produce always available 24/7.

People on our local FaceBook groups report that the different WF stores within an hour's ride are all limiting the number of people allowed inside at one time, and each store has lines a few hours long. Things haven't gotten any better as time has gone on, probably because we're still a hot spot, with not only many new people testing positive for coronavirus but still many people dying from it daily. I haven't even gone out of the house except to warm the car up once since my last round of doctors' appointments in March, I'm certainly not going to drive an hour then wait standing in a crowded line for another few hours just to get sweet potatoes.

Yes, I have some teeny cubes of dehydrated sweet potato I've been rehydrating and eating, but it's certainly not the same as cutting into a nice, hot, freshly roasted Hannah Yam, Garnet Yam, Japanese sweet potato, or even a plain old orange one.

I want a REAL sweet potato!!

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