Tuesday, June 11, 2019

WHOSE Food Plan is Best?

Today's newspaper has an article about the death of Mary Max, artist Peter Max's wife. No need to go into any details of the sordid event, but I did find this bit in the article of great interest:

She had been involved in an ugly legal battle with other members of the family over the dementia-afflicted 81-year-old’s artwork.

Peter Max? Dementia? 

Hmm, does this artwork look familiar? Not just the artist (Obviously, it's Peter Max, for those of you who didn't live through the 1960's and saw it everywhere back then), but the subject matter itself?

Yes, Peter Max was a long-time follower of the Fuhrman Eat to Live program. He praises Dr. Fuhrman on the page for the poster on Dr. Fuhrman's web site, and in this article in Vegetarian Times, where he mentioned in 2017 that he's been following Fuhrman for 12 years at that time, and that he had vegan for many years before that, since his mid-20's (He's now 81).

Now, doesn't this put that whole nut debate that's been going on on YouTube in a whole new light? It's looking pretty obvious right about now that nuts do not prevent dementia, as a certain someone has been claiming all along, doesn't it?

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