Tuesday, September 22, 2020


 Normally I don't mind when you decide to take my packages on a tour of the Eastern seaboard. Almost every package the past few months goes from its home, maybe a stop or 2 before it hits a sorting center in Avenel or Kearney, but then heads back out of state, sometimes to Maryland, sometimes Pennsylvania, once to Vermont, twice down to Southern states, before heading back to the same center in Avenel or Kearney before hitting my city's post office.

Once my own city's post office sent it out all the way to Texas! It took over a week to make it back to my city, then a few more days before you delivered it the 10 blocks to my home.

But this time I'm a little worried. You see, this package contains my allergy and heart medications. It's bad enough my heart med is a month behind because of nationwide shortages and for the last 2 weeks I've been breaking what few pills I had left in half to stretch them out, but it has now taken almost a week to go from the pharmacy to Avenel (on an overnight delivery package), but the postal workers in Avenel decided to send the box off to Pennsylvania 2 days ago, and finally yesterday afternoon the people in Pennsylvania found the poor fellow and decided to send me a not telling me they have it by mistake, that it must have been mislabeled or had the wrong zip code (It didn't, believe me. I've gotten meds by mail for years and they always had the right address on them). 


But they didn't tell me what they did with it next! Is it still sitting in Pennsylvania? Has it been sent back home to New Jersey? Back to the pharmacy in yet another state? Or was it sent somewhere else and it's now on another magical mystery tour like many other packages have been sent on in recent months?

Please, USPS, send my poor package home to me! I have 3 days of medication (at half strength) left! If it doesn't get here by the time these half pills run out I'll have to contact my doctor (again!) and have him send a new prescription to the local pharmacy, fight with them to fill the prescription (because it was just filled last week by the mail order section) and I'll have to wait for them to get the med in (Remember, there was a nationwide shortage), and then wait on line in a crowded building where social distancing is impossible to do, the main reason why I started having the company mail it instead of picking it up locally.

Pretty please? I even made a sacrifice to the USPS gods and purchased some stamps from the USPS website to appease them, hoping it would expedite delivery.


  1. Update!!!
    Since the above was posted, my package went from a small town in Pennsylvania to Philadelphia, to Newark, NJ, to Kearney, NJ, to my hometown, and finally, this morning, it's now out for delivery.
    Oh, and my Forever Stamps have been mailed. Let's see how long they take to get here.Funny, the USPS doesn't include a tracking number on these.

  2. Delivered! Not until after 5pm, but they DID come! Finally!
