Tuesday, October 2, 2018

Ann & Jane - Yonanas Nice Cream

I never understood the allure of this stuff. It's bananas - lots and lots of bananas! It takes around 3-4 bananas to get less than a cup of the creamy concoction, and over half a banana is stuck inside the machine in the blades. And without a dish washer, I've read complaints about what a pain it is to clean.

People on MWLP are limited to 2 servings of fruit a day. People on many other food plans are reminded that there should be no snacking between meals - if you're hungry soon after a meal then eat more of what you had at the meal, ideally having another salad or steamed non-starchy veggies, or, for die hard McDougallers, another potato. Other food plans - and Jeff Novick - really push sequencing your meals, to start with low caloric density foods, either a salad, soup, or a piece of fruit before your starchy meal.

I can see having this snack food as a special treat, on a birthday or holiday instead of higher calorie snack foods. But if you need to lose weight, or have any health condition where you need to restrict sweets, then loading up on frozen desserts, even if they're made of only frozen fruit, isn't for you. But people like the Esselstyns - all thin and in presumable excellent health - more power to them! They can indulge all they want! People like me - no way.

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