Monday, January 14, 2019

Dr. Brooke Goldner's Goodbye Lupus! Classes

I first heard of Dr. Goldner (Goodbye Lupus) while watching an interview with another WFPB doc, Dr. Joel Kahn. She cured her own lupus and now teaches others how to do what she did. Hint: A ton of green smoothies as well as a raw vegetable diet is involved in the "healing" portion of treatment.

She runs these video classes every few months and always has Q&A periods after each one. That portion of each of these videos runs longer than her class itself, which run about 50 minutes each. The first 2 videos run a bit over 2 hours each, but the third one goes for over 5 hours!

I doubt I would ever follow her hyper-nutrition protocols - I mean, who wants to live on green smoothies, a gallon of water, and raw vegetables every day - but she does give a lot of information, especially on auto-immune diseases.

I don't know how long these videos will be available on YouTube, so grab them while you can.

First class: The Foods Keeping You Sick
Dangers of meat, oil and dairy; basics of auto-immune diseases.

Second class: The Foods You Need to Heal
In this class' Q&A she tells how Dr. Esselstyn and his wife Ann were now drinking green smoothies, at least the day after they spoke with her.

Third class: 6 Steps to Reversing Disease with Supermarket Foods
It may take me a few days to get through this one. She had said there would be a lot of testimonial videos, as well as more details about the food plan and her coaching classes.


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