Friday, March 27, 2020

COVID-19 Q&A with Dr. Fauci and Stephen Curry

Dr. Fauci is my new hero. I'm so glad he did this straight talk Q&A to get the correct info out there to the people.

My family is one of those on the "scared to death" side of the equation. We live within 5 miles of NYC on one side, less that a quarter mile over a bridge on the other, so many people who live here work there. My son and I both have asthma, my husband and I are classified as cardiac patients, and I have a slew of auto-immune disorders. Oh, and my son is in a job classified as "essential" so he's on the train to Target every morning working with the public for 8 hours each day. While he doesn't cover up or strip down when he gets home as much as Dr. and Mary McDougall do, he still has a routine he goes through, and I follow behind him with the wipe down.

My younger brother lives in the city adjacent to the NJ hotspot, so close he can walk to the hospital that has dozens of Covid-19 patients. His city is also close to NYC, only 7 miles, so close that over half the population works there. He's on drug therapy that makes him immuno-compromised, and his wife is a cardiac patient.

And all of us, except for my son, is over 60, my s-i-l and husband both will hit 70 their next birthdays later this year.

To say we're all shit-scared is putting it mildly. We may not like everything Dr. Fauci had to say because we all live in the areas needing to be most restricted, but we certainly understand why that's happening and lets us see the light at the end of the (very long) tunnel.

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