Wednesday, September 11, 2013

VeganMoFo Day 11 - Golden Kanieski Sauce

Sauce, gravy - whatever you prefer to call it, it's a nice, flavorful topping to mashed potatoes, pasta or grains.

Golden Kanieski Sauce
Servings: 8
Prep time: 25 minutes
Cooking time: 3 hours for beans, 35 minutes for sauce

2 cups dried garbanzo beans
6 1/2 cups water
4 carrots, diced
2 onions, sliced
2 tablespoons minced fresh gingerroot
4 tablespoons cornstarch mixed in 1/2 cup cold water
1 tablespoon soy sauce
1 cup chopped fresh parsley

Soak the garbanzos overnight in water to cover. Drain and place in a large pot with 6 cups water. Cover and cook over medium heat until tender, around 3 hours. When done, remove from the heat and set aside.

Place the carrots, onion and gingerroot in a large pot with the remining 1/2 cup of water and cook, stirring frequently, until the vegetables are tender, about 20 minutes.

Remove about 3 cups of the garbanzo beans from the pot and puree in a food processor. Place the pureed beans, the remaining garbanzos and their cooking water into the pot with the cooked vegetables. Cook for 10 minutes.

Add the cornstarch mixture and stir until thickened.

Add the soy sauce and parsley, stir, and continue to cook for a few minutes longer, stirring frequently.

Serve over your preferred starch.

The McDougall Program for A Healthy Heart
John McDougall, M.D. and Mary McDougall
(1996), ISBN: 0-452-27266-1 
page 324

I forgot to soak the garbanzos overnight so did a quick soak in the morning. I would have used canned but the recipe depends on the cooking water for liquid for the sauce. Maybe next time I'll use the canned and add some broth.

Because I couldn't find any onions that looked good in 3 different stores, I used half a bag of frozen ones. I chopped up 4 nice big organic carrots into a small dice.

Instead of removing some beans and liquid and adding them back, I just used the immersion blender for a bit. I prefer the beans broken up, anyway. I stopped before they got liquidy and still had at least half beans whole. I use organic "baby" garbanzos (Is this also called "chana dal"?) from the HFS, and these are already about half the size of the garbanzo beans I used to get from Goya, so no need to break up all that much.

I made up a batch of mashed Yukon Gold potatoes and served the sauce over those.

To be honest, it was a wee bit bland to me, but a few more shakes of pepper and a bit of salt remedied that in a flash. My husband loved it is-is and went back for more, then decided he really was full and put it away in a container for tomorrow's lunch.

Even with him doing that, I still had 2 of my 3-cup Pyrex containers almost filled with the leftover sauce. I'll use this later in the week over some noodles.

As for the name, calling it a "sauce" may be a bit of a misnomer, because this stuff was so thick and rich it practically qualifies as a stew. 

A nice meal for those cold winter days that are ahead.

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