Wednesday, March 1, 2017

New Cardio-Vascular Disease Study Results

Jeff Novick posted this over on the McDougall forums. He has the thread locked so nobody can reply, so here it is in its entirety.

(Edited to add:)
Looks like Dr. Fuhrman was right all along. Maybe his program deserves another look.

Trending Cardiovascular Nutrition Controversies- Nuts, Oil..

Just published in the Journal of the American College of Cardiology.

The authors include Dr Barnard, Dr Esselstyn, Dr Ornish & Dr Williams

Trending Cardiovascular Nutrition Controversies
(J Am Coll Cardiol 2017;69:1172–87)

Andrew M. Freeman, MD,a Pamela B. Morris, MD,b Neal Barnard, MD,c Caldwell B. Esselstyn, MD,d, Emilio Ros, MD, PHD,e Arthur Agatston, MD,f Stephen Devries, MD,g,h James O’Keefe, MD,i Michael Miller, MD,j Dean Ornish, MD,k Kim Williams, MD,l Penny Kris-Etherton, PHDm

Full text


The potential cardiovascular benefits of several trending foods and dietary patterns are still incompletely understood, and nutritional science continues to evolve. However, in the meantime, a number of controversial dietary patterns, foods, and nutrients have received significant media exposure and are mired by hype. This review addresses some of the more popular foods and dietary patterns that are promoted for cardiovascular health to provide clinicians with accurate information for patient discussions in the clinical setting. 

A Look to the Future

In summary, the future health of the global population largely depends on a shift to healthier dietary patterns (Central Illustration). However, in the search for the perfect dietary pattern and foods that provide miraculous benefits, consumers are vulnerable to unsubstantiated health benefit claims. As clinicians, it is important to stay abreast of the current scientific evidence to provide meaningful and effective nutrition guidance to patients for ASCVD risk reduction. In this brief review, just a few of the current trends in nutrition have been highlighted to serve as a starting point for the patient-clinician discussion. Available evidence supports CV benefits of nuts, olive oil and other liquid vegetable oils, plant-based diets and plant-based proteins, green leafy vegetables, and antioxidant-rich foods (Central Illustration). Although juicing may be of benefit for individuals who would otherwise not consume adequate amounts of fresh fruits and vegetables, caution must be exercised to avoid excessive calorie intake. There is currently no evidence to supplement regular intake of antioxidant dietary supplements. Gluten is an issue for those with GRDs, and it is important to be mindful of this in routine clinical practice; however, there is no evidence for CV or weight loss benefits, apart from the potential caloric restriction associated with a gluten-free diet.

Summary Chart

Looks like Dr Esselstyn just put his name on a published paper endorsing nuts & oils

In Health

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