Friday, October 3, 2008

VeganMoFo Day 3 - Pizza

Sorry, but this sore throat and fever are still hanging around so mo biggies when it comes to food.

I'll make up the pizza dough in my breadmachine and after that it's a snap to make the rest of the pizza. I load the pies up with veggies and add a salad for a complete meal.

The dough recipe for 2 large pies:

1 1/2 cups water (may need a bit more during kneading depending on what flour you use, weather conditions, and loads of other factors)
2 tablespoons olive oil (can be omitted for fat free food plans)
2 teaspoons salt
2 tablespoons sugar
2 cups semolina flour AND
2 cups whole wheat flour
4 cups bread flour
4 cups whole wheat flour (Pastry flour works good, too)
OR any combination of all purpose, bread, whole wheat, semolina, even toss some corn meal in
1 tablespoon of vital wheat gluten for every cup of whole wheat flour
2 teaspoons bread machine yeast

I add some or all of the following as the dough kneads:
1 tablespoon dehydrated onion flakes
1 teaspoon dried minced garlic
1 tablespoon Italian herbs mixture
1/2 teaspoon red pepper flakes
1/4 cup diced sun-dried tomatoes cut into 1/4 inch pieces with scissors - do not rehydrate first

When the dough is ready in 90 minutes, separate in half and roll out each half and place on pizza pans. Pop into the refrigerator for at least an hour. This helps those nice big crust bubbles form when the pie is doing its final rise. I love bubbles in pizza crust.

Preheat oven to 400ºF.
Top each pie with your favorite toppings.
Bake each for apx. 15 minutes. Our son likes his crust soggy so I take his out in 13 minutes.

My son, now in his mid-20's and eager to learn home economics, has been helping me out a lot this week, and might even offer to do the pies for me today. It's scary realizing that by this time next year he may be living out on his own, or at least with a few of his friends, in their own apartment. That is, if he ever finds a job. He even offered to go to the laundromat yesterday! I didn't take him up on that offer - I wasn't that sick - but maybe next week I'll drag him along with me and let him take over.


  1. Feel better soon.

    Thanks for the pizza dough recipe, too.

  2. Pizza dough seems so time and work intensive to me. I guess because I don't have a bread machine? But, I have to say that the taste and texture of homemade pizza dough/crust definitely rocks and is worth it!

  3. I love my bread machine for stuff like this. Throwing together dough without tons of work.
