Monday, October 1, 2012

VeganMoFo Day 1: Jeff Novick

What can I say about Jeff Novick that McDougallers don't already know?

Want to see his resume that I found on-line?

Or watch him, Rip Esselstyn, and Dr. Pam Popper play a round of Plant Strong Jeopardy during one of the Forks over Knives Immersions?

No, I think all of you want to see his Fast Food recipes done up. All of these recipes can be found either on his Facebook page in the My Simple Recipes album, his Fast Food videos, or in the forums of the McDougall Program site. In the days when I don't have a recipe to post, I'll talk about one of his lecture DVD's or post one of the many videos he's shared on-line with us.

Each day I'll post another dish made from one of his recipes. There are plenty of SNAP (Simple Nutrititious and Affordable Plan) and Fast Food DVD meals with variations to last through 4 days a week and plenty of variations of his burger and fries recipes to fill every Sunday this month.

But first, let's watch Jeff show us how to shop for the healthiest foods.

and then explain what he means is the REAL fast food. Look close - it's one of the rare times he's clean shaven!

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